Question : Problem: My Ipod keeps rebooting.  Any known fixes.

My ipod keeps rebooting and won't connect to my computer.

Anyone know any fixes.

Answer : Problem: My Ipod keeps rebooting.  Any known fixes.

I have seen this a few times on different iPods and iPhones.. try this:

1. Hold down power AND home until the iPod turns off completely. Touch nothing else. Keep holding those buttons.
2. Once youre in a reboot cycle, let go of power. Hold home down for two minutes.
3. Your iPod may freeze with a blank screen. Do not panic or call your lawyer. Connect it to your Mac or PC and see if iTunes detects it in restore mode. Restore to the previous good firmware.
4. If this fails, disconnect from iTunes and repeat these steps. Do not lose patience. Sometimes it doesnt work the first time. Sometimes it take a few turns to get it.
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