I am having problems with my pc, for the past week I have been getting 'blue screen; errors, most of the time they occur a couple of hours after I have turned it on, but recently its been getting worse, sometimes the PC just freezes, and sometimes I can the blue screen but its only a flash and then turns itself off. I thought this may have been a virus but after further dianostics I understand it could be my RAM, one of the things that prompted me to think it was hardwear rather than software was that my USB light keyboard switched off, which suggests hardwear malfunction.... unfortunately my SQL and VB skills are pretty useless for these kind of problems, so I'm stuck....can any of you gardware guys help me out, Ive tried downloading a diagnostics tool from miscrosoft that is supposed to run tests on the ram, Ive burnt it to a disk and restarded as it says Im supposed to do, but nothing happens....please help,
Thanks in advance