Question : Problem: Recovering XP data and email on old HD using new Vista Ultimate computer.

My friends computer died last week.  After helping him replace several components, including the power supply, we determined that the motherboard has gone bad.  It just won't boot up.

I've installed the hard drive into an external HDD case, and I can read the files that are on the drive when I plug it in via USB into a Vista Ultimate computer (the new PC he bought after his XP machine died).

How can he recover his files from the folders that had been protected earlier by each of the 3 users on the XP machine?  He's an administrator on his Vista machine, but can't access some of the folders/files on the XP HD that were protected by the other users while XP was still working.

Also, is there any way to save his email off of the XP HD.  There isn't a recent PST backup file, but the rest of the files on the drive should still be okay.  I just don't know how to export them off of the XP drive and into his Outlook 2007 program on his Vista machine.

I tried installing the XP drive into another PC, but I guess the HAL is different enough, and maybe the chipset is different, the harddrive won't boot up.  I see a flash of blue, the BSOD, but it's just a flash, and I can't tell what the error codes are.



Answer : Problem: Recovering XP data and email on old HD using new Vista Ultimate computer.

Maybe you didn't find any PST because it's inside a hidden folder

Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.
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