Question : Problem: With dual monitors and 2 remote desktop sessions, how can I choose which monitor will be used when starting the RDP session?


I have someone with dual monitors and has Ultramon installed. She needs one remote desktop session to appear on one monitor and a seperate session on the other monitor. Right now both sessions open up on the same monitor. Is there a way to set it up to where they'll open in different ones? It doens't save where they pop up when I last close them.

Please let me know if you need more information to answer the question.

Thank you,

Answer : Problem: With dual monitors and 2 remote desktop sessions, how can I choose which monitor will be used when starting the RDP session?

If you havent already done so create seperate shortcuts for each RDP connection.
You should have 'Ultramon' tabs in the 'properties' for the shortcut.  It is there that you can choose which shortcut opens to which monitor
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