Question : Problem: Vista laptops able to see some Wireless Access Points, but not others

We have seven wireless access points in our building. 5 are Proxim AP-700 and two are Proxim AP-4000M. I have three users with Vista laptops that can see the AP-700s, but not the AP-4000Ms. I have other Vista users that can see all seven wireless access points. I don't even know what to think or where to begin to troubleshoot this, beyond the usual basic things like disable and enable the nic, search for all available access points, etc. We are a k-12 school with about 60 wireless laptop users. The users are staff members and middle and high school students. The users with problems are all students, and they each have SP1 installed. I do not have the laptops currently, but will be able to get the laptops from the users when I have some idea of what steps to take next

Answer : Problem: Vista laptops able to see some Wireless Access Points, but not others

Vista has a built in "trusted\untrusted" network setting and asked this question the first time you connect to a network. Could they have answered "no" to this question.

To change your network location:

Click Start and click Control Panel. Select Network and Internet.

Select Network and Sharing Center.

Click the Customize option beside your network connection.

Select the network location that you want to use.

Click Close.

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