Question : Problem: Toshiba Portege 3490CT- restore hard disk to factory configuration OR install new OS

The Portege 3490 presents a catch-22:  to run the Recovery and Configuration CD, the computer must be booted from the external USB floppy.  Since the computer has only 1 USB port, my external USB CD drive cannot be connected during boot.  Consequently the Oak CD Rom driver does not load, and the CD drive cannot be plugged in and used after a floppy boot.

Toshiba says nothing about this problem on its website, or in the computer's documentation for that matter.  All instructions are written as though the 3490 can have floppy and CD working at the same time.

I tried formatting the C Drive with format /s, and can now boot from the C drive with the CD rom attached to the USB port, but this has made no difference.  The CD drive is not recognized.

I tried both powered and unpowered USB hubs, neither worked.

Looking for ideas.  I am not fixated on reconfiguring as factoy frsh.  I would be content to just install a full copy of Windows 2000 or XP.


Answer : Problem: Toshiba Portege 3490CT- restore hard disk to factory configuration OR install new OS

>>  it might be better at handling the change of hardware?  <<  on the contrary, it is more stringent
you can also delete the disk and vga drivers, before putting the drive in the notebook
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