Question : Problem: ECS G732 Screen doesnt turn on


I've got an ECS G732 laptop:

2.6Ghz CPU
512DDR PC2100

Recently the power connector on the motherboard snapped off. So i simply replaced it and put the laptop back together. However when i tried to turn on the laptop, the fans started and LEDS on the keyboard starting blinking but nothing appeared on the screen and there was no POST. So i took it apart with only mobo, battery, CPU, RAM and monitor connected (placed on cardboard). However still nothing. Wondering if i've ruined the motherboard somehow??

Also the battery is fully charged however if i try to turn on the laptop without it connected to the wall it will start a few times(with nothing on screen so i turn off and try again) but after that it wont even start! Upon connecting to the wall it will start up again with nothing on screen. Confusing me.

Any help will be much appreciated!

Answer : Problem: ECS G732 Screen doesnt turn on

It's not a screen problem if it's the same on the external monitor.

While you have it apart check for bent or damaged pins/connectors. (On the parts too.)
Make sure you didn't put any long screws in where short screws should be.
If you soldered on that new power connecter check closely (on both sides of the board) for excess solder shorting something out.

If one is available try the ram in another system. (CPU too if you can.)

Check the voltage on your ac adapter with a multi-meter and compare it to what the lable says.
+/- 1 volt should be okay. Maybe even +2/-1 because it's not loaded when you test it that way.

Reassemble with only the mainboard, video (if removable), memory, and CPU. (no drives or battery)
Make sure you use thermal paste between the CPU and heat sink.
~A tiny amount~. As in a paper thin layer. (Don't skip this step!)

Try booting the system on ac power only (battery removed).

If you're lucky you should at least be able to get into the BIOS.
You will probably hear a bunch of beeps.

If you get nothing the problem is with something installed.
Mainboard/CPU/Memory/Video/ or a ground.
It that case try booting with no CPU or memory installed.
You are hoping to hear beeps this time indicating the CPU or memory (you just removed) was the problem.
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