Question : Problem: I installed a new tv turner card in my PCI slot and now it makes my other pci cards slow

Ok i recently picked up a hauppauge! tv turner card(PCI). When i installed it i have noticed a tremendous difference in the speed of my internet and how slow picuters are loading. The only other PCI card i have is my wireless NIC card.

So i have my wireless nic card in slot 1(pci)
and my tv turner card in slot 5(pci)

my video card is a agp, when i play games it works out fine.
But one thing i have noticed is that my video card has been giving me the not enough resoures error, untill i changed the apperature to 256mb in the bios.

are there any thoughts on why a tv turner card would be killing my internet?

Answer : Problem: I installed a new tv turner card in my PCI slot and now it makes my other pci cards slow

Hard to say for sure, but a couple of things to try.
* usually it is not a good idea to use the pci slot closest to the AGP slot when using an AGP card
* try using a different pci slot for the tuner, and see if you can get an IRQ the is not shared (if using W2K/XP, you can find out which slots are using what IRQ and if there are conflicts, in the Admin section of Control panel, in hardware.
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