Question : Problem: Laptop Solo 9550 Doesn't Turn On

Hi Yall,

I have a gateway solo 9550 that won't turn on. It was working fine 2 days ago and today I went to push down the button to turn it on and it does not start. It does not even try to boot up. Almost as if the conncetion to the power has been completly lost.

If anyone can give me any ideas how to tackle this that would be great. The laptop is out of warranty and I dont want to take it to gateway to fix.

Thx in advance

Answer : Problem: Laptop Solo 9550 Doesn't Turn On

Well, if you feel adventurous and a little bit handy, you can get a whole new motherboard on Ebay for about $95 (do a search for gateway 9550)

You may also find a repair shop that will do a board-level repair for about $150-200, because it may be still serviceable.

Good luck!
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