Question : Problem: 112,000bps analog modem POSSIBLE?

There is a guy that tells me he has a modem that was not manufactored for the US, he says it is a modemblaster 5600.  He says it can do 230,400bps.
He is telling me that he connects to MSN and can reach speeds of 12KBps, when downloading.  
Now is this even possible with the quality of our phone lines and the restrictions that the FCC has put on?
He says by turning off flow control, you can get faster speeds sometimes and on several occasions is able to get 8KBps to 12KBps.
By turning off flow control on your modem does this not cause problems?

I am quite confused because this is something new that I have never heard of.  I thought you could not get above 53,000bps on a regular analog modem over the phone lines.

Please HELP!

Answer : Problem: 112,000bps analog modem POSSIBLE?

What he is seeing is not the modem speed but the speed of his com port. Some os's like win 95/98 and nt4.0 show the speed of the comport when they connect and not the speed of the actual connection. There is a way to change this not really sure where to change it to. The only real way you could get even close to those speeds would be to use multilink (multiple modems). For this you would need multiple modems and phone lines (it would be cheaper to get cable/dsl).

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