Question : Problem: Problems with scanning from an HP all in one LaserJet 2840 to a folder on a domain

We have the LaserJet 2840 and want to scan to a folder.  The 2840 is connected to the network with a Cat 5 / ethernet (NOT USB)  We used the PC app to set up a send to folder on one of the computers, but when we scan to that folder (press send to on the scanner), it sits for a while then says connect failed. I am thinking that the permissions on the folder are the issue?  being a computer on a domain, how are the folder permisssions supposed to be set up to allow the 2840 to send a file to the folder?

Answer : Problem: Problems with scanning from an HP all in one LaserJet 2840 to a folder on a domain

The first thing that comes to my mind is that this is a shared folder. If so, make sure that you set the shared folder permissions to allow everyone to have at least write access to the folder. You can do this by right-clicking on the folder, go to "sharing and security" and then go to the sharing tab and select permissions. Microsoft generally recommends that you give full access to everyone and then manage the actual security for the folder in the security tab.
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