Question : Problem: cannot copy c:\windows\repair\system file in recovery console!!! please help!!!!!

guys, having a huge problem here
cannot start up windows... a user of mine got the message that said "c:\windows\system32\config\system" is either missing or corrupt, please use windows xp cd to get into recovery console to fix this issue

that is the article that i got from MS to fix the problem, but in the first step, i cant copy the system file from the config folder (i assume it IS missing) and i cant copy the system file from the REPAIR folder either... is there anyway i can copy the system file from the XP cd? or any other way around this? i have had the user try using "LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION" but no cigar

Answer : Problem: cannot copy c:\windows\repair\system file in recovery console!!! please help!!!!!

If you have a BartPE CD/Kn oppix CD/ERD (I think ERD has regedit, and if so, this will work also....)

Follow the instructions at my 23564795 posting above. This will eliminate the password prompt....

Have you tried hitting enter at the password prompt??
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