Question : Problem: Location of SMS OSD install logs

Does anyone know the location that SMS2003 OSD stores its installation attempt logs?

Answer : Problem: Location of SMS OSD install logs

OSD log format is designed to be read by the TRACE32 utility in SMS 2003 Toolkit2

Logs are initially stored in C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS

OSD Log Files
IDUser.log - User notification log, used in refresh scenarios

IDUserNotification.log - User notification log, used in refresh scenarios

MachineState.log - Logs computer state migration information (computer name, IP Address, Registered Owner/Org), used in refresh scenaris

OSDAgent.log - Is the primary log and should be the first place you look to determine what step failed

OSDEnv.log - Indicates which OSD Environment variables are set

OSDInstallWIM.log - Logs image installation operations

OSDInstallWizard.log - Logs startup operations when doing a bare metal installation (NewComputer Scenario)

OSDLaunch.log - OSD Bootstrap. May contain errors if the Advanced Client Network Access account is not configured correctly

OSDShell.log - Launches the OSD Install Wizard, when doing a bare metal installation

OSDSWDProgramExec.log - Logs Run SWD Program Actions

OSDWinLogon.log - Created at the start of the State Restore phase

OSDUsmtScanstate.log - Logs Capture User State operations

OSDUsmtLoadstate.log - Logs Restore User State operations

SMSCMT.log - Logs SMS client migration information (site code, client GUID)

WinPEInstall.log - WinPE installation information

OSDRebootSystem.log - Logs Reboot System operations

OSDConnectToUNCPath.log - Logs Connect to UNC operations

scanstate.log - USMT scanstate log

loadstate.log - USMT loadstate log

setupapi.log - Windows mini-setup log, located in C:\Windows

setupact.log - Windows mini-setup log, located in C:\Windows

setuperr.log - Windows mini-setup log, located in C:\Windows

netsetup.log - Windows mini-setup log, located in C:\Windows\Debug, useful for troubleshooting domain join issues

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