Question : Problem: Howto run VNC server on Ubuntu Desktop?

I want to access my Ubuntu desktop using VNC, so I need a VNC server. I've tried to configure the system, but when I want to open a connection on my EEE I get the message "Connection failed. No server running at the given address and port."

Some more info:

* The server has ip
* Installed packages: libgtk-vnc-1.0.0, tsclient, vinagre, vino (when I search for VNC using Synaptic)

Ubuntu remote desktop preferences (checked boxes):
* Sharing: allow other users to view your desktop
* Sharing: allow other users to control your desktop
* Sharing: vncviewer ubuntu:0
* Security: ask for confirmation
* Security: require the user to enter this password: ********
* Advanced security: require encryption

So how do I get this thing running?

Answer : Problem: Howto run VNC server on Ubuntu Desktop?

try this solution, looks better for you:
And as a client you can try krdc or something like that.
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