Question : Problem: Sun x4450 Fans blowing very loud and never stops

I have a new Sun x4450 that we have had for a couple months now. Over the past couple days it seems as though the never never slow down. Normally they are not spinning as fast or as loud as they are now. I've been doing some research and it seems like they should only be in "overdrive" if the cpu load is high, which is undersandable. however the cpu load is pretty minimal. The server has Sun OS 10 installed and the only strange thing i see is that on the front of the server where i normally have a green light next to the OK area i have no lights. nothing indicating an issue (or indicating that everything is OK either). On the back of the server i do have a green light next to the OK.

I also have an x4440 that is used for testing purposes for the software thats on the x4450. That one is not used much but the fans seem to be spinning at a "normal" speed and i see the green light next to the OK area.

The server otherwise seems to be fine. I just dont want the fans to get worn out.

I know these are pretty new servers so I'm not sure if anyone has any epxierence with them. But I figured I would ask here before getting a hold of SUN.

Answer : Problem: Sun x4450 Fans blowing very loud and never stops

The latest firmware is available on the X4450 Tools and Drivers DVD v2.3.1

You can download it here:
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