Question : Problem: Disaster Recovery Site


    I am currently looking at the option of implementing a BCP, as part of the BCP implementation was studying the various option of implmenting a DR solution.
Current Environment :-
  a) Windows Svr - 6 Nos(Mix of Win 2k/2k3).
  b) MS-SQL database - 3 Nos.
  c) application are primarily intranet based application.

    We are looking at replicating the applications & database to our DR site every 4 hrs.
   Needed to have information if anybody has used Dell Equalogic storage box, which has inbuilt replication software to update the data on the DR Site?
  - How reliable is it to use the inbuilt replication software to replicate data?
  -  Or is advisable to look at the replication software like Veritas, CA etc, to replicate the data.

Answer : Problem: Disaster Recovery Site

i'm not too sure about the in-built replication in the storage box.

but most people implementing DR solutions opt for host-based replication software like CA Xosoft.
This has more features and helps in maintaining integrity of data, specially for databases like SQL.
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