Question : Problem: Making Internet calls on iphone

Dear Experts,

I have the latest version of iphone from O2 uk. My parents who are in india, want to make a call through skype or similar chat facilities on to the iphone directly.

Can someone please guide how this can be done.

What is the software they need to load it in their laptop.

Thank you

Answer : Problem: Making Internet calls on iphone

Have a look @ a piece of software called "Fring"

It is avalaible in the appstore and is free.

You will need to create an account with them once you have downlaoded it, once created choose "add ons" from the bottom menu bar and add "Skype".. You will then be asked for your skype UN and PWD and it will register...
Voila, thats all..! You should be able to make and receive calls with Skype and also chat...

Hope it is what you are looking for...
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