Question : Problem: Can the new IPhone Push Email work with our Exchange 2000 server or must it be 2003 /2007


A director has purchased the new IPhone, he would like it sync'd with his email, can the push features work with an Exchange 2000 using OWA like the Blackberry Internet only service or does it require Exchange 2003 / 2007


Answer : Problem: Can the new IPhone Push Email work with our Exchange 2000 server or must it be 2003 /2007

no way to use Exch 2000, at first Exch 2000 is no more supported by Microsoft, in short future also Exch 2003 won`t be supported by Microsoft too. But you can use Exch 2003/2007 with your iPhone.
Recommendations is to use Exch 2007, it`s new and really gud, also 2003 is fine
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