Question : Problem: Sorting out Switch wires, labels needed?

Hello there.

I have been charged with sorting out our Switch cupboard.  Basically before I came to this job whenever the Switch mount door was opened, someone got disconnected;  from the image below, you can obviously see why.

Now I have noted down all the connections, i.e. what office the connections go to, what are the phone connections and what are the Ethernet connections.  I would just like some advice on how to sort this out - or rather to confirm that my route is the best route.

Basically, what I was planning to do was to label each end of the wire - on, for example, the Ethernet port connection label the specific floor outlet that it is connected to.  And on the telephone floor outlet connection, label that to the specific office telephone connection.  That way, when it comes to me rewiring the closet and setting all the wires comfortably so we can close the door, if any come lose I will know which connection they will go to.


1) Is this the best way to go about sorting this mess of wires out
2) Would you recommend doing this on a non-working day, as so to minimise downtime.
3) Could you possible recommend any labels.
4) Any other tips.

As you can probably tell, I'm a graduate and just want to go about this the right way, then use this experience in future endeavours.  

Thank you very much.

Answer : Problem: Sorting out Switch wires, labels needed?

ok not sure what switches you ahve. but on a cisco you can do a show intreface command that will show how many  packets have been sent through a port..

if you can find a simler command on your switch. reset all the counters and leave it for a week or so. then run a show interface command, and any port that shows packets have been sent through it, must have been used since the reset... (i use this method rather than asking users to leave a pc switched on. as i can garantee people will forget, and then you will get a load of calls monday morning asking why there PC dosnet work!)

Now as all the PC/ethernet leads go back to the same switch, unless you have seperate VLANS, you could simple write a list of all the patchpanel ports in use by the PC's, and then jsut patch these back in to the switch neatly and fill up from one end so its easy to see how many spare ports you have.. If you do have vlans you will need to be more careful.

As for the phone.. it depends if they are Ip phones or analog phones. Most IP phones also don't need to be in a set port in a switch. So if you know what ports are in use, then you can simple again make a list of ports in the patch panly that are in use for phones and then neaten up the switch when you come to tidying up.

I would also recomend aginst labeling up the cables them selves. This might be ok in a small cabinate like that. however as size incresses, and number of cables incress, it makes it a pain when trying to swap leads around. people don't bother relableing and it all becomes a mess that can be trusted.

I would suggest you have a spread sheet, that lists all the important ports in use. where they link in to the switch, and any thing else you may thing is useful. This will be much quicker and simple than actualy labeling the cables. and any one reading it can easly see where to patch each cable back in.

some thing like

patch panel                     Switch port             pc/phone

g/23                                 port 25                 Phone
g54                                  port 16                 Printer
1/3                                   port 5                   Phone

then when you come to do the tidying up, if you can strip all the wires out completly. and using your table patch each one back in tidly. (if you can get some cable managment bars to fit in the cabinate, and run the ables through these, try to keep the cables from running across the frount of the switchs, if a switch fails you dont want to have to unpatch every cable in the cabinate to get it out to replace it!! )

get a colour sceme.. I can see you have two different colours for PC's and Phones I am guessing, but if you can get cables for different floors as well. And stick a big sign on the frount of the cab telling people what calbe to use for what.

And i would also say, place a blank bit of paper on the frount of the cabinate, with a pen/pencil attached for people to note down any changes they make. If the pen is there when they do a repatch they will use it.. if you expect them to do it on a spreadsheet when they get back to there desk, it will never be looked at..
(this may not be nessery for a access cabinate.) but with a large server switch cabinate, it can be very usefull to know what port and patch each server is attached to, to make trouble shooting and moving servers easy.
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