Question : Problem: Wireless Router won't reconnect after disconnection

I seem to have an intermitent issue with my wireless router at home, in that once my PC loses it's connection to it it won't reconnect unless I do it manually myself - this becomes annoying when I want to remote desktop onto the PC! I have noticed that this problem occurs usually due to large amounts of data being handled through the router i.e. downloads or file transfers.

Windows is set to configure my wireless network and it is set to always connect to this network, to reconnect is disconnected and the usual service is started within Services to handle this. my PC is also set to use DHCP from the router. Would a static defined IP address be better?

Can anyone shed any light on why my pc doesn't reconnect and also is there somethign I can do to solve this issue once and for all, maybe some registry hack or task I could run to force the reconnection in some way?

Answer : Problem: Wireless Router won't reconnect after disconnection

Currently, I'm recommending (and installing) The WRT54GL with DD-WRT.  If you're interested in playing with DD-WRT, it's a free download.

As long as you're comfortable with the usual Linksys interface, you should be fine, but there are a ALOT of options.
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