Question : Problem: Home Network, Vista Laptop, XP Home PC, Shared Printer--Actual Prining...

Printer is an HPDeskjet 960c - connected to XP Home PC via parallel cord - Wireless Router Linksys WRT54GS - connects Vista laptop to XP machine upstairs.  
I have successfully(??) connected and can see the printer on the laptop. Everything shows up like it should in networking according to my searching the forums here. I receive NO errors when printing to the upstairs printer - I see the small icon show up in the system tray like it is printing-- run upstairs -- NOTHING IS ON THE PRINTER.  I have not been able to get a test page to print either tho it says downstairs it printed.  The troubleshooting guide does not address my issue - it relates answers to paper jams etc. none of which I have.
I have searched the forum for my problem but all I see are answers to connecting printers or not being able to be seen on the various networks.  
I went to the HP website to try downloading a driver to my Vista laptop, but it tells me the driver is already installed on Vista and there is nothing to download.

Answer : Problem: Home Network, Vista Laptop, XP Home PC, Shared Printer--Actual Prining...

I did the above originally (and retried numerous times) and yes VERY EASY --  BUT ......... IT DID NOT WORK -- It was acting as if it printed - no errors would show, but when I went upstairs THERE WAS NOTHING ON THE PRINTER - which is why I came here for help to begin with.

When I went throught the 11 Steps above, I finally had success.  Don't care that it took 11 steps, just glad it worked :-)  I guess my machines are very fussy !!
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