Question : Problem: Stop Code 0x000000D1 when booting Microsoft Windows WinPE 2.0 with dual Quad-core Processors Installed

I have a HP xw8600 Workstation with dual Quad-core Processors Installed
When I boot with my Ethernet cable plugged in I get the following error
Workstations described in the SCOPE section may have a blue screen STOP code 0x000000D1 (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALý?). The Broadcom LAN driver b57nd60x.sysý? is identified as the cause.

Ok now on HP's website it says this is a know error:
The in-boxý? Broadcom driver in Microsoft WinPE 2.0 will crash with 8 logical CPU cores and an active LAN cable. Use one of the following workarounds.

Rebuild WinPE using later Broadcom LAN drivers.


Disconnect all LAN cables during the WinPE session.
So yes when I unplug my ethernet cables I am able to boot to the PE disk.
Now I need the ethernet cables plugged in so that I can Image these HP's (I have quite a few) from our network share

Which driver do I actually need?

Also Using WINPE 2.0 is it possible to have multiple Nic drivers for different models? So that I only have to use 1 PE disk for several models?


Answer : Problem: Stop Code 0x000000D1 when booting Microsoft Windows WinPE 2.0 with dual Quad-core Processors Installed

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