Question : Problem: modem speed

if I got a 28800 bauds..

and I know the size of a file, how can I calculate the exact amount of time of downloading ?

and the kb/sec equivalent ?!

Answer : Problem: modem speed


Sorry, I work with synchronous data so often I was mixing my calculations and my text between synch & asynch

Lets try again (assuming 1,000,000 bytes in a Mb)

1) We have 2,000,000 bytes of data to be transferred
2) Therefore we have 16,000,000 bits to be transferred.
3) We also have 2,000,000 start bits to be transferred (1 per byte)
4) We also have 2,000,000 stop bits to be transferred
5) Therefore we have a total of 20,000,000 bits to transfer
6) We can send 28,800 bits per second
7) 20,000,000 / 28,800 = 694.5 seconds = 11.57 minutes transfer time

Cheers - Gavin
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