Question : Problem: Brightsor V11 & Win2k / Exchange 2k

Hi Guys,

I am having a nightmare backing up my exchange database. It seems to be a permissions issue that comes and goes. The error I keep getting is:

E8601 failed to connect to agent. (AGENT=dbaxchg2, EC=Windows Error 2502: The program below called an unsupported MS-DOS function:)

When it fails, I cannot expand the Microsoft Exchange - Brick Level.

In the past, I have set security on the root of the C: drive and the problem goes away for a week or two. Is this a red herring?

The server only has Service Pack 2 and the exchange has service pack 3.

It is quite urgent now hence 250 points up for grabs!!!


Answer : Problem: Brightsor V11 & Win2k / Exchange 2k

PAQed, with points refunded (250)

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