Question : Problem: Make RealVNC Server run on Windows SBS 2008 64bit

I cannot get RealVNC 4.1.3 (Free version) to work on a Windows 2008 SBS server (64 bit). Everything appears to be working, but the icon in the bottom right always dissapears. I have disabled the firewall and Live one care. I have tried compatibilty mode on the exectuables. I have tried a different port and reinstalling. But it will not work. I am expierenced with VNC and I do not believe it is user error. I think it is compatibility issues. Has anyone got it working on 2008?


Answer : Problem: Make RealVNC Server run on Windows SBS 2008 64bit


the free edition has this info in the documentation

If Fast User Switching or Remote Desktop are used, then VNC Server will connect session zero to the console in order to allow it to be accessed. Other sessions cannot be accessed by VNC Server Free Edition 4.1

From the features it shows that free version does not work on windows2008/vista

as when i checked by installing the vnc free version on windows 2008 it does let me set to NT authentication. So you can try personal edition trial and see

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