Question : Problem: Restore a Ghost Image to a raid set

Reall need the EE community to help us out here

We have a brand new dell server with raid controller.  Currently it is installed on 1 disk split into 2 partitions with no raid.   We need to add 2 disks and create raid 5.  Can we ghost both paritions to a remote disk.   Format the drive and build a brand new raid 5 set then ghost back the 2 partitions.  

can we ghost back 2 partitiions???? on a raid 5 set

Answer : Problem: Restore a Ghost Image to a raid set

As you know migration is not easy thing like Ghost the image then boot up and works.... but yes it is a common thing that we have been doing mostly in a small business environment. All you need to know is getting a correct dos driver of your scsi controller and install it after Ghosting the image. The way to install it is you have to use windows OS disk boot it up. During the windows boot up, you will have an option to hit F3 to load your SCSI driver and then you can save your driver in a floppy and install it. Give it a shot and we will be on your back. You have got nothing to loose anyway. If it is too hard for you to load the correct driver, let us know what is your controller name model... and we can help you. The worst thing if you can't find the controller driver (which is rare because you just got a new controller) you can always go back to the way it was and you always have an image of your server as backup.

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