1. Event ID 7 "The device \Device\Harddisk 0\D has a bad block".
Dimension 3000 - Samsung SP0802N hard drive
- you can run chkdsk /f in normal mode, or chkdsk /p in recovery console.
- This will try to fix any file system corruption, recover data from bad sectors on HDD and copy it onto good sectors
- If there are Bad sectors, chkdsk or any other software wil NOT repair bad sectors; they would remain as they are, running these utilities would only allow you to salvage whatever data/files you can
- You can try a low-level format if Samsung has any utility like that, this may repair the bad sectors; but my exp. has shown they always come back and the HDD has eventually to be replaced.
2. Event ID 11 "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk 0\D"
Dimension 5150 - HDS728080PLA380 hard drive
- Attach the HDD to another controller, replace the cable
- Update the BIOS and whatever firmware updates are available
- Then run chkdsk to check if there are any bad sectors on the HDD
- If it comes out clean, the HDD would need not be replaced