Question : Problem: how to read the performance counter value and decide where is the problem

Hello Everyone,

how to read the following counter value and what is the exact outcome by reading their values.

I have set up few basic counters on Dedicated SQL server 2005.
Hardware...DELL PE 2950 Server with MD 1000 diak array.
OS windows server 2003 standard edition.
Ram : 4GM
Processor : Intel xeon dual core 3.2 GHz(Two processor)
MD 1000 disk array coonected in split mode.(Two seprate channel)
channel 0- drive 0 to 6
channel 1 drive 7 to 15
I have configured 1 RAID10, and 1 RAID0 and 5 RAID 1 configuration for database,tempdb and transaction log file.

We are experiencing SQL timed out error. so today i have configured following counters in performance log to see their values but i could not make any guess where exactly the problem is.
Here are the counters and thier values.
Avg Disk Length-----35.73(MAX 151.801) ( total 4(In server) + 15(MD 1000) = 19 drives in system)
%Processor Time----33.509
Available MByte----591
%Disk Time--------517.648(Max-1384.247)
Besides above counter ijust checked for one RAID1 array drive H and another RAID 1 Drive I counters ...

                                       Drive H(Data)                                       Drive I ( Transaction log file)                    
Disk Queue Length        15.58(54 MAX)                                           0(0.002 Max)
Disk Read Q length        13.72(53)                                                   0(0.002 Max)
Disk write Q Length       0.003(0.048 Max)                                     0(0.002 Max)
% Disk Time                   1500                                                          0.002

I am confused where exactly problem is.
Can you please make your suggestion to resolve this issue.


Answer : Problem: how to read the performance counter value and decide where is the problem

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