Question : Problem: BIOS Problem!! No Access to BIOS!

I had to RMA two mobos in the past month. One from my daily driver and the other the board I was going to replace it with..which ended up being dead out of the box!. I ended up using an Asus board I was not happy with.. when the "dead from the box" board returned I installed it. All went fine until I tried to access the BIOS.I can get to the BIOS, but once there I have no control! It's as if the keyboard is dead. I can then turn the machine off and it will post and boot right into Windows without a problem. One thing I noticed early on was the system clock was often incorrect, which I know can cause all kinds of problems, I would reset it and it would keep time for a while. I tried the obvious and cleared CMOS, to no effect. I think I was able to get in and operate successfully if I shut Windows down without going through the shut down process...just turning the machine off. I kept thinking about the clock problem. In my years of service I haven't seen too many bad batteries, even in machines several years old...I could not imagine it would be the battery on a new board! But I replaced it anyway. Still no access to the BIOS (remember I can get TO the BIOS, but once there have no control). This WAS one of my favorite mobo companies, DFI....and while their support has suffered in this economy, I still think they continue to make some amazing boards....AND how could they return an RMAed board with a problem? (which I thought was a BIOS chip problem from the beginning). So, anyway, I'm about at my wits end over this....what am I missing? Another faulty board? How could that be?? Help!!!

( thing I thought about but have not tried is to use a non USB keyboard)

DFI Lanparty Jr 790GX M2RS
AMD II X4 920 quad
8 gigs of G Skill (4x2)
Antec 650 PSU
WD 150 Raptor SATA
Seagate 500 es series SATA
Seagate 250 es series SATA
Dual DVD burners SATA
Award BIOS (not sure it's the latest but date is 3/09)
Vista 64 Ultimate

Answer : Problem: BIOS Problem!! No Access to BIOS!

Glad to hear it's working.
Sometime if you hit the mobo with too much 'right off the bat', it gets cranky.
I usually try to fire up a new board outside the case, with just the bare minimum the first time, and run through the bios. That way I know that much works if it starts acting up after I put it in the case and add everything to it.  : )
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