Question : Problem: Cisco Routing problem in stack cisco 4x3750 and d-links... with vlans, pvlans

I have cisco 3750 x 4 in stack plus one d-link 3627 on trunk and one d-link 3627 on link.
When I do vlans on one switch cisco 3750 and connected with d-link 3627 on trunk everything work ok.... vlans and pvlan. But in stack routing work only to SVI. Only Vlan 1 has communication.
In the stack  is only one vlan 100 which communicates only to SVI's. I give files with commands like sh ip int, sh vl ......

Answer : Problem: Cisco Routing problem in stack cisco 4x3750 and d-links... with vlans, pvlans

everything ok !!! some bad setting from dhcp.
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