Question : Problem: Can I lock down the location of files so they cannot be deleted or moved but still accessed and edited?

Hi there, I have a problem with my users accessing files over a mapped network drive in that they seem to move and delete files used for student evidence and we're forever getting stupid requests to restore an MS Office document at a time from the tape drives.

Is there a way of somehow having all files and folders locked somehow so that they cannot delete or move files but they can open, edit and even add new files into the structure? (btw, if they add into the wrong folders we don't have a problem doing the moving/deleting for them, it's the restore requests we're trying to cut down since our backup tape drive is a bit of a slow methusilah). :)

We're using MS Server '03 and the user machines are all XP Pro (SP2)

Btw, I'm offering 500 points because it impacts the staff's ability to work if we store up the requests and and it's become a full time job us doing this task for them and it takes the IT staff away from more important and pressing tasks.

Answer : Problem: Can I lock down the location of files so they cannot be deleted or moved but still accessed and edited?


sorry 'bout the "way-over-time" answer, but I've been travelling for work etc...

I've been looking into the issue again, but at first sight did not find anything unusual... Have you been able to solve the issue or maybe got closer to an solution?
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