Question : Problem: iPhone 2.0 and Active Sync on Exchange 2003

I have the new iPhone 2.0.  I am able to setup Active Sync to my Exchange 2007 server without any problems.  However, I am unable to get the phone to sync to my customer's Exchange 2003.  Is there some setting that I may be missing?  I have been all over the message boards looking for solutions.  I have tried with SSL enabled, without SSL enabled, etc.  We have a cert installed, and we use forms-based authentication.  We also redirect from to

We are setup on Windows Server 2003, 32-bit, with Exchange 2003, SP2.  All updates have been installed, and the server was rebooted this weekend as part of routine maintenance/updates.

Am I mising something?

Answer : Problem: iPhone 2.0 and Active Sync on Exchange 2003

Make sure that in IIS, the MsActiveSync dir is set to require SSL (but not 128bit) and the Exchange dir is NOT set to require SSL. When you're putting the mail server address in the iPhone, only use http:// even if it's SSL and check the SSL box at the bottom. Make sure forms based auth is disabled on the Ex2003 server and perform an iisreset from cmd and confirm tcp/443 is publicly open to the Ex2003 box.

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