Question : Problem: BIOS insists on booting from the new hard drive..boot sequence settings get automatically reverted..

I just installed a second hard drive onto my Compaq Presario S5000NX with GL_VE motherboard, the computer for some reason won't want to boot from the original hard drive anymore. I changed the boot sequence in BIOS, but the BIOS would change it back as soon as I save and exit. (There's no newer update available for my BIOS )

The new drive used to have operating system etc. installed on it, but I formated it nice and clean. However the computer still looks for operating system on it when it boots, and stops there when it finds out there isn't any..and printing on the screen "No operating system found".

My original hard drive is still the primary master drive, and the new one is a secondary slave. The new drive, a 40G Samsung is not more advanced than the original 40G Maxtor..Changed the new drive to primary slave or secondary master, have the same results. Can't figure out why my motherboard likes this hard drive so much....

Right now the only way I can use the new hard drive is to set secondary slave to "None" in CMOS. Windows XP would still recognize it, but it only can have good old PIO as its transfer rate.

Help would be much appreciated..!

Answer : Problem: BIOS insists on booting from the new hard drive..boot sequence settings get automatically reverted..

In addition, I would go to and get one of the track wipe utilities that will clean track 0 of the Samsung drive.

That should get rid of the MBR and anything else including a partition table etc.

You also want to make sure that the disk partition is not set to be the active partition ( fdisk will show/ change this).

I hope this helps !

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