Question : Problem: how to hook up quad sli

so ive heard the new 9800 geforce series comes with quad sli compatibilty. my power supply and motherboard come with sli capable...could i use two 7950 gx2 in quad? how would i set them up..the motherboard only comes with one sli connector? thank you!

Answer : Problem: how to hook up quad sli

Quad sli is uspported right now only with the 7950.  The 9800 series isnt out yet so tht nto for sure if they are making a quad card, but yes I heard the same as you.
If you board is sli capable and your powers supply is capable then you are good to go with the 7950gx2 cards.
Now if you want to move to the 9800 series with quad chips your going to need a strong power supply.  Depending on what other items you have in your rig you may need to go with a high end unit.
ALso in regards to your SLI connector will only still need one connector the quad means there is two chips on one video card so for quad you only have 2 physical video cards and only need one sli bridge
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