Question : Problem: Synching 2 Blackberry Address books.
Hi All
My CEO is totally nuts, he has 2 x Blackberry bolds. A primary connected to our BES and with BIS account for his gmail (UK SIM) and secondary for his Gmail only (Swiss SIM) as he is between both countries.
We are trying to automate the synching of contacts on the Secondary Blackberry from the primary.
We installed Google synch on the primary so it would synch his contacts to his gmail.
I then installed Google synch on the secondary BB.
This is a bit of a messy setup but I cant really think of any other ideas apart from using the BB desktop manager to backup and restore the Address books between the devices once a week or so.
Any ideas would be welcomed.
Answer : Problem: Synching 2 Blackberry Address books.
You have it pretty much covered.
I can't think of anything else I would try, although I would make sure that he makes backups of both via BB desktop maanger on a regular basis.
I hope this helps !
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