Question : Problem: BlackBerry and Exchange

I dont have a lot of experience with BlackBerry devices and such but lately it seems like more and more users are getting them so that has put me in a position where I guess I have been forced to little by little learn more about this to help troubleshoot users having problems on their devices.
I have a range of BlackBerry models from the new BB Storm to the 8830
We have a BES 4.0 and therefore we configure the users devices to sync with their work e-mail some work great others not so hot.
The most common problem are as follows:
A user gets an email to the device and reads it; when you check the Outlook client sure enough it shows that the e-mail was read and if you delete it from the BB it also deletes it from Outlook. But if I read it in outlook and delete it from outlook I still get it in the BB like if it was the first time I am reading it.
How can I get it to do a real sync from Outlook to BB and vice-versa?
The other problem and this is something that is very common as I have found multiple forums on it but none of the solution actually fix the problem. And its the
[lookup failed: name]  when Im trying to email someone from work in other words trying to query the GAL. Ive tried resending the address book, doing the register on the device and all I get is the same lookup failed 
Sometimes by  doing the above all I get is to get receive duplicate e-mails!!!
Any help would be appreciated
Let me know if you need more info and thanks

Answer : Problem: BlackBerry and Exchange

Thank you all for all the feedbacks and suggestions.
As it turns out I called Verizon to see if they had any ideas as to why I was having the above issues and the CSV\Tech said that it all was to do with the Data Package a user has. She said the $29.99 will only give you unlimited Internet, but if you have BES you need to pay an additional $15. In order to have your Mail, Contacts and Calendar Sync the way I want it.
I myself have a Storm , so I upgraded to the $44.99 Data Package and after removing and re-adding my account all is well now.
So now you know.
Not sure if I should give points to anyone
Let me know.
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