Question : Problem: BackupExec 10d for SBS 2003 Recovery Help/Advice Needed

We inherited a crashed server (motherboard); we were able to get a full backup from the HDD by placing it in another server and running a full backup to an external USB HDD.
I want to restore the server to another Dell box and have tried IDR and it just does not work the way i envisioned it. Anyone have any issues with trying to get the server restored to new HW using 10d? i have reinstalled SBS 2003; and BackupExec 10d, but when we run the restore and reboot the server just locks at the Windows 2003 boot splash screen.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: BackupExec 10d for SBS 2003 Recovery Help/Advice Needed

Using backup exec to restore to new hardware is next to impossible, (I have only had success when I could load new hardware drivers before running the backup- never with distaster recovery like this).  
I have HEARD you might have better luck restoring to a virtual machine (using vmware or somthing), because the drivers are not an issue.  It makes sense, but I have not had to try it yet.
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