Question : Problem: Looking for background sync program that backs up any file I modify on an external drive

I would like to have a kind of a backup program operating in the background that copies any file I modify to an external USB hard drive as soon as I save it. I will have the drive set up with a roughly identical directory structure, and as soon as I'm done working with the file, I'd like this program to back it up for me without me needing to think about it or do anything.

Small, clean, simple, unobtrusive, that's what I'm looking for. Nothing complicated, just copy any file I modify to an external USB hard drive without me telling it to, as soon as I'm done.



Answer : Problem: Looking for background sync program that backs up any file I modify on an external drive

I use MS Synctoy 2.0 to sync files on an external drive.  You can configure it through task manager to run as often as you want at time every hour or whatever.  You can also manually run the sync when you are done each time.  This is very easy to use and configure and it takes almost no time if the changes are minimal.
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