Question : Problem: I can't set the DISPLAY variable successfully

Ihave installed RH4WS 32 bit and I am having a problem not encountered before.
I have a static IP address of
If I "echo $DISPLAY" it returns ":0.0"
If I enter "xterm&" an xterm appears
I set the display to
If I "echo $DISPLAY" it returns ""
If I enter "xterm&" I get "xterm Xt error: Can't open display:"
I have tried "xhost +". It makes no difference.
The /etc/hosts file looks like;       localhost   bslinux   billunix
Since I can not specify the DISPLAY successfully, once I ssh or telnet to another machine I can't get an xterm to come up.
Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: I can't set the DISPLAY variable successfully

OK, I've got it. You have run your X server with default option: -nolisten tcp.

Do I need to say more ... :)

Go to /etc/X11/...  or wherever you have your X server config file (when you have kde there, it could be eg.
/usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file. It can be a little to search (try to use find /some/dir -name Xsession -print, then look in the directory where this file exists)

What you need is to find where you set this option and remove it. Then restart your X and all should work normally.

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