Question : Problem: Using Cisco 3560\3750 SFP port for Tape Library
I am going to be setting up a tape library. I am told with the library that I'm getting that there are two ways to set it up,
[svrs to be backed up]----->thru the lan---->[backup svr]--->SCSI--->[tape library]
[fiber nic]------>[fiber bridge]------>[tape library]
My question is, can I use a cisco switch (3560\3750) and plug the tape library in one of the spf ports on it?
I want to buy the switch to act as the 'fiber bridge' and since it's a gb switch and all the servers have gb nics, i just want them to have a gb connection to the tape library which itself is connected by fiber.
Also, in buying the switch, it says the SFP ports are empty, do I need to purchase a specific gbic or fiber module to plug into the spf port? And i'm assuming this module will depend what type of fiber connection is coming off the tape library, would that be correct? like SC to LC or someting another
Answer : Problem: Using Cisco 3560\3750 SFP port for Tape Library
Hi scptech, One way of achieving this would be to update your login script(s) to launch the application, if the user is a member of a specific group.
Here's a sample bit of VBS code to get you started: Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, objUser, CurrentUser,WshShell Dim strGroup
Const TS_launch_Group = "cn=TS_launch_group"
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") ' Forces script to skip errors (rem below line to see errors) 'on error resume next
Set objUser = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") Set CurrentUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & objUser.UserName) strGroup = LCase(Join(CurrentUser.MemberOf))
if InStr(strGroup, TS_launch_Group) then Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run("%windir%\notepad.exe") end if
Please note that I haven't been able to test this, but it ought to work. Much of the code was taken from http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/Windows_Server_2003/Q_20975263.html#11005358
Does that help?