Question : Problem: Built-in iSight won't turn off (or on)

I just got a new 13" Macbook yesterday, and when I turned it on this morning, the built-in iSight camera turned itself on automatically, which I think is kind of strange because I'm not running any programs that are (obviously) using it. Also, when I go into Photo Booth and try to use the camera for real, all I get is a black picture. The camera was working fine yesterday. Anybody have some ideas with what's going on here? Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Built-in iSight won't turn off (or on)

First the camera can only be in use by one app at a time so check and see if Ichat has taken control of it, or imovie or any other app you might have that can capture video.  my guess is that Ichat took control. Open it up and click on the video tab and disable video. then rebbot and see if photobooth can snag it. If taht doesn;t work, What does it say in the device tree. Apple/about this
mac /morenfo/  then look on the usb bus and see if the device is  self reporting its own existence.
if it is then zap the pram/nvram.
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