Question : Problem: Migrating iTunes library from XP Laptop to Vista Destop

Just set up a new desktop/tower with Vista Home Premium.  Wish to migrate iTunes from XP sp3 laptop to new desktop.  Have some large external hard drives to use as transfer mechanism (so do not have to use Ipod for the transfer).

Have already downloaded iTunes to new vista desktop and authorised new computer with Apple.

Will later want to keep laptop and desktop iTunes synced. Will be using portable laptop in another room to hook up to stereo system to convert tons of analog lp's reel-to-reel and cassette music to digital, so on on occasion will need to repeat process and transfer the updated laptop iTunes to Destop iTunes (and then into Ipod).

Have seen oodles of internet advice (including expert-exchange) on moving the iTunes files, but none that seem to cover the move from an XP machine to a Vista machine (with the different file directory systems).  It seems to me a simple transfer of files will not work, but will need some editing of xml file to advise vista machine of correct paths.  Do not have any editing experience or software (unless it is built into Vista).

Will editing of xml be necessary?  Which editing software?

Advice will be much appreicated

Answer : Problem: Migrating iTunes library from XP Laptop to Vista Destop

Other way to do it is without messing with the library.
If you know where is your music just copy the foldel containing the music in the XP laptop and copy it to the Vista machine, then open ITunes and from the menu File>Add folder to library and all of your music will be in ITunes, but not your playlists.
Then you can prepare the new music on a folder in the laptop, and copy it to the Vista machine and then again add the folder
One thing if you used ITunes to rip the music and let ITunes to manage the library, the music will be in ACC format not MP3 and will be stored in "C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music" along with the library files, XML & ITL.
And on the vista machine, using ITunes, you can direct where you want your music to be stored.  From the menu Edit>Preferences>Advanced- iTunes Music folder location, then you can change then path to what ever you want
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