Question : Problem: APC UPS build-in Software can shutdown Server auto or need buy the business version?

Hi all,

I am plan help my company buy a APC UPS, the P/N is SURT3000RMXLI
And I am first time using APC's UPS.

We will buy the Network Management Card too.

But do the build-in software (Basic edition) come from it CD-ROM that can auto shutdown multi server by percent of power?

For example, When the UPS only 70% power, then send the shutdown command to all server (Server IP) then it can auto shutdown all server that connect to it and I want, or the build-in one can not, need payment addition to buy the PRO software etc?

And do the build-in software can install to mutli-server? OR need buy License each server?

If so, what is this software name?

Thank you.

Answer : Problem: APC UPS build-in Software can shutdown Server auto or need buy the business version?

PowerChute Network Shutdown
Works with the network management module (optional) that installs into the APC UPS unit.

It is a free download.  You don't have to pay for it.  Just buy any of the management modules.

Install the software on all of the servers.  Configure the software to talk to the correct UPS unit.

For instance, you could have:
Servers A, B, C on UPS #1.
Servers D, E, F on UPS #2.
Server G with one power supply on #1 and one power supply on #2.

Servers A, B, C would be configured to talk to UPS #1.
Servers D, E, F would be configured to talk to UPS #2.
Server G would be configured to talk to either UPS.

There is no practical limit to the number of servers controlled by the UPS unit.  Just keep track...if you unplug the server from the UPS unit, but leave PowerChute configured for the old UPS, it may be shut down incorrectly, or not shut down at all.

Hope that is clear.
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