Question : Problem: What is PG on an ATX PSU supose to be?

First off, what is PG?   What should it read?  My tester has an PG display.   I have  system im working on that  keeps locking up. I tried to just re-pave the OS and even with a clean install was locking up.   I have tested all the memory and cards in another system and they are fine.

I thought perhaps it was the mobo and/or cpu.. I plugged my psu tester into the PS U and the PG was flashing  on and off and gave a warning beep.

I tested another PSU  and there was ntohing flashing or any beeps on that one.  It said PG 320ms.

Is PG Primary Ground or something?  At any rate, I am going to assume this is why the pc is randomly locking up and I have swaped out the PSU.

Answer : Problem: What is PG on an ATX PSU supose to be?

PG stands for Power Good

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