Question : Problem: Display several computers screens on one large screen as a split Display

I would like to know the best way to take up to 9 computers in a conference room and display them simultaneously (split screen) on one large screen in the same room.  It would be nice to be able to switch full screen to any one computer on demand as well if that is possible.  The computers are running combinations of vista and xp.

Thank you..

Answer : Problem: Display several computers screens on one large screen as a split Display

Simple answer:  Can't do it.   The bandwidth requirement to show 9 VGA quality displays is FAR more than you'll get in a projector.

More detailed answer:   While you can't directly do it, there ARE some options that may be useful.

=>  You could use a VGA multiplexing switch to plug in all of the PC's; and then easily switch between them as desired.   This would only display one-at-a-time, however.   Example:

=>  It's unlikely that the laptops have composite video outputs; but if they all have s-video outputs, you could convert these to composite [ ]  and then feed all of those inputs into a security system multiplexer, which would let you display all 9 at once; any 4 at once; or any one full screen.   For example:    Clearly this is designed for lower resolution video; but it will work nicely (and even record all of the displays at once).

=>  You could possibly remote connect to all of the systems (as suggested above) and simply arrange the windows on the screen so you could see all nine at once.   Not sure if you can have that many active VNC sessions ... but another thing that WOULD work is, on a dedicated system for the monitor, create 9 virtual PC's -- and then remote into one laptop on each of the virtual PC's ... and arrange those windows so you could see them all at once.   You could even simpy use something like MaxiVista to make each virtual PC a virtual 2nd monitor for one of the laptops.
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