Question : Problem: Need answers asap. All of my points for an adequate response regarding cd burner installation.

Ok first of all I just installed a cd burner or at least I think I did. I plugged a ribbon cable into the back of the cd burner drive and the power connectors. I have a little tiny cable left over I think it might be an audio cable but not sure what to do with it as I have a socket A mainboard with soundcard built in and I am not sure where to plug it in or what end goes where. Help!  I restarted my computer and my D drive disappeared (cd drive) and there is no life in my burner drive either. I cannot even istall the software because of the invisibility of my cd rom drive. To reiterate:

1)How to properly install a burner mentioned all connection needed and instruction on where all wires, cords need to be connected. Please keep in mind I have what I assume is an audio cord it is small and I am not sure where this goes at all. I have a socket A motherboard with sound built in so where do the cords go connected. step by step here please.

2) Secondly where has my d drive vanished to since I initially tried to install the burner drive. so confused. help

all point to good answer

Answer : Problem: Need answers asap. All of my points for an adequate response regarding cd burner installation.

It sounds as if you've installed the CD-Burner with the same setting as the existing CD-ROM (both set to master, or slave, or cable select)

Try this:

Check out BOTH of your CD-ROm drives. (Burner and existing)
Look on them beside the ribbon cable for little jumpers, they should have markings on the case somewhere near there showing which two jumpers are for what. (The settings will be Master or MA, Slave or SL or Cable Select or CS)

You want to make sure that one of them (preferably the CD Burner) is set to "Master"
You also want to make certain that the second CD-ROM (existing) is set to "Slave"

Reconnect the ribbon, power etc cables, and power on the machine. Make certain your BIOS settings are set to "Auto" for all IDE devices, and it should automatically detect the CD-ROMs, bringing your D drive back to life, and your new drive in as probably drive E.

Post further questions if you need more assistance or clarification.

Hope this helps!


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