Question : Problem: For Blackberry Replacement, advisable to do Full or Selective Restore?

Greetings all! My company uses Blackberry and i'm the IT Admin there responsible for installing all the BBs for my staff. Occasionally, Blackberry will release new models which my company acquire and then I'm suppose to replace some of the senior staff's older BB with the newer models.

1 - May I know would it be better to execute a Full Restore or a Selective Restore (memos, messages, SMS, etc) after replacing their BB?

Currently, most of the staff here are using a selection of 8700, 7100, 7230 and 7730. I'm replacing most of them with either Pearl or 8707 (3G) BB.

If I were to do a Full Restore, would it have issues as i'm backing up a older model of BB and restoring it on a newer version.

2 - In addition, if I were to do a Selective Restore, what are the important items I need to restore as sometimes, I miss out vital info like memos and such. What are the rest of the data that are important that I should restore over? Like password keeper, etc?

Just to add - My company BB users are on BES Server and we are on Enterprise Activation. Desktop and Handheld software version on 4.x

Answer : Problem: For Blackberry Replacement, advisable to do Full or Selective Restore?

My recommendation is to use the Device Switch wizard built into Desktop Manager it works great.
I would do a full restore.
In both cases be aware that if your switching carriers, the Browser home page from the old carrier will be brought over, so you'll have to manually correct that.

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