Question : Problem: Needing an direct purchase link or links for a motherboard compatiable with an Acer Aspire 3690 laptop

Hi Everyone;

         For the purpose of helping a friend with a laptop which does not power up at all, I am needing a direct purchase link or links for motherboard suitable for an Acer Aspire 3690 laptop.  Since I am interested in getting the best possible deal, I certainly welcome several online purchase links if they can be provided.  

          Thank you.


Answer : Problem: Needing an direct purchase link or links for a motherboard compatiable with an Acer Aspire 3690 laptop

This is a fairly expensive motherboard.

It's $399.95 here:

... $399.00 here:

The best option seems to be an exchange.   These folks will exchange the motherboard for $249.95 (or sell you one outright for $379.95):

Note, however, that there were several (non-interchangeable) variations of the motherboard; so be sure you correspond with them and provide your exact part number so you know you're getting the right board.

If your friend's "gutsy" ... and willing to risk $50 or so, you might want to see if you can get this for a lowball bid ($20 + $15 shipping is the best possible price) -- and then exchange the motherboard.   As long as the problems with this system aren't motherboard-related, that would be the least expensive way to get another motherboard.  [No guarantee, however, that you could get this that cheap; or that it will even work !!]

Another alternative is to try one of the laptop/motherboard repair services that advertise on e-bay.   These also entail some risk, of course.   Here's an example:
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