Question : Problem: HP, laptop, dv6502

I have plands for buying a laptop which i mainly use for my project development ( mainly on .Net ,java ,C,C++ ) , But I also passioned towards device driver development in linux.

Can anyone tell me wat is difference between AMD Turion X2 and intel core2 duo processors.Is there any software which doesn't run on AMD ??

Also can you suggest which brand is best,HP or Acer or Sony ??

Answer : Problem: HP, laptop, dv6502

HP is, of those you have mentioned above, the best in my opinion. Acer loads too much resident stuff that slows down the PC and the quality doesn't seem as good as that of HP's. Sony to me is OK for multimedia devices, but in the IT field they don't belong in my point of view. Also, with HP you have the possibility for an online Chat with HP folks which often works quite well, although by far not all of the people there are as good. It is still better than having to wait for an email reply, or paying for phone calls.

The software isn't an issue if run on an AMD or Intel CPU. Intel has lately been a bit more innovative than AMD has. Although AMD first came out with double core CPU's for general use, Intel has meanwhile caught up and possibly overtaken AMD. Intel probably also has the better powersaving features, so if you want to run from battery you can probably work longer with an Intel Laptop, and you may get less overheating issues. The difference in my point of view though is marginal. I would have no problem getting an AMD CPU, at least I'm more sympathetic towards them, but that is personal preference!
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