Question : Problem: ATi AIW 9800 Pro and problems with DirectX 9.0C

Hi All,

Since I got my new computer (Shuttle XPC SN95G5) along with an ATi AIW 9800 Pro I've had problems with the graphics card and drivers from ATi. One thing is that it's extremely difficult to install new drivers, without having to reinstall the computer is one thing.
But lately I've had problems using the TV function of the card.
With the latest 4.12 catalyst drivers the problem persists. It started out with the TV function not starting, because of an "Initialization error". I tried to look in the faq which suggested that I'd look in the diagnostics for DirectX. So I ran dxdiag.exe and found out in the display driver tab, that HW acceleration wasn't available. The dialog is shown here:  . Sorry for it being in Danish. I circled the things that were the reason why the TV function wouldn't work.
1: The available ram in the graphics card wouldn't show. "Hukommelse I alt : I/T" = Total memory : N/A.
2: The Direct Draw Acceleration was "Ikke tilgængelig" = Not available
3: The Lowest circle : "Acceleration of" was Not available.

2 and 3 should show activated, as it does some times. And 1 should show 128MB.

Every once in a while, it sets the settings right, and I can watch TV. But mostly they show the picture from above. I've tried to set the AGP setting in SMARTGUARD to 4x, not helping anything.

The Shuttle comes with a 240W PSU which should be adequate. So I don't really know what else to try. Is it possible to remove directX and reinstall it or something?

Hope the answer is out there.


Answer : Problem: ATi AIW 9800 Pro and problems with DirectX 9.0C

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